Community Rehabilitation

Services provided by the Community Rehabilitation Team

There are 2 Community Rehabilitation Teams, one based across Axminster and Seaton community hospitals and the other in Sidmouth hospital.

The staff in each team are Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, a Community Rehabilitation Nurse, a Speech & Language Therapist, Support Workers and a Coordinator. The teams operate between Monday and Friday.

a man sitting on a bed

The team provides three types of services: 

1. A general rehabilitation service which can take place over a number of weeks- this is for people who have an illness, injury or recently been in hospital and as a resuly are having difficulty in moving around or being able to manage every day task at home. One or more members of the team will visit to discuss the difficulties and work with the person to find ways of resolving them e.g advice and information on how to manage or equipment can be provided or a programme of exercises to help regain strength in arms or legs.


2. A Falls service- to help people who might have had a few falls or are worried about falling. The Rehabilitation Nurse will usually visit to check for any health reasons which could cause falls to happen e.g. a person might not be drinking enough each day, they may get giddy if they get up too quickly, they may be not taking their medication correctly. She will offer support and advice in overcoming these problems. The Occupational therapist will look at the home to see if things can be arranged differently or if any equipment or advice might help in trying to lower the possibility of a fall happening. The Physiotherapist will help with walking and balance problems by providing guidance on techniques, equipment and exercise programmes in the home. Some people may need to attend classes once a week for 8 weeks to help with their balance and muscle strength.


3. An Urgent service- which means we will visit the same day. This is for people who have a sudden problem with their health or had an accident or fall which means they might be admitted to hospital without our help. Usually the person will have been seen by or received advice from their Doctor first. An Occupational Therapist, sometimes accompanied by a Support Worker, will visit to find out what is required, will bring any equipment that is needed immediately or arrange for it to be delivered the same or the next day. This equipment will be to help in doing the essential daily tasks such as getting on or off the toilet, in and out of bed or helping someone care for the person in their bed if they are very unwell. This service is to provide enough help that day in order to avoid the person going into hospital but may well be followed by other visits over the next few days.


Anyone who feels they might need these services should talk to their Doctor first.